Shades of Grey - Worry is a choice to live in the grey instead of full color


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808   2 years ago
anonymous | 4 subscribers
808   2 years ago
A single word from the Master can calm our deepest anxieties. Time and attention in His presence heals the deepest causes of our worry and fear. Our enemy has designed his environment... television, media, music etc. to tear us down and cause us to fear the future. Just watch the advertisements for pharmaceuticals during one episode of the news and you'll come away worrying about 10 different conditions, diseases, viruses etc. Earthquakes, fires floods, catastrophes, wars, uprisings, famines, food shortages, global climate and that good ole deadline you have to meet at work all pressuring us toward anxiety and fear. Christ said "If your eye is good, then your whole body will be full of light. If your eye is bad then your whole body will be full of darkness" (Matt 6:22). The meaning of the word good is "single", like two points coming together to one. If your eye is single, that is focused on the One - Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life - then your whole body will be full of light. The way to beat anxiety is to keep your eyes single, fixed on what is above, not what is happening here on earth. But you need Him in your every moment to do it.
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