When the going gets tough

I was standing on a kind of tower, a watch tower, with Yeshua. From the four corners of the world, people were coming. The frontline was bright with a light shining upon them.The people who walked behind them looked like a smaller level, but still there was light.Looking at this from above, standing on the watchtower, it looked like a big diamond with cutting glass.

Suddenly, there was a big hand that took the “diamond.” During that process, the diamond sparkled and twinkled. The light shone to the four corners of the world. Then, the stone was placed in a ring and Yeshua put it on His finger. Suddenly at the same moment, little pieces fell to the ground. These little pieces were literally pulverized.These small pieces were not a real diamond, but an imitation. What remains is the real thing — a real diamond of excellent quality.Interpretation:The diamond stands for the children of Yeshua.

They have been through the process of His cleancing fire and purification and shaking and are ready. The difference between the groups of people who carried the light is the different measure of anointing and the different call upon their lives. When the stone was placed in a ring, that symbolized that Yeshua is calling.His children together to be one army under His protection. The pieces that were pulverized when they fell to the ground after Yeshua put the ring on His finger are symbolic of the people who were going with the flow ...

with the rest of the people, but they did not realize that Yeshua looks at the hearts of people,and He can read it!

 They seemed to be real, but they were not. Their hearts were not changed because they had not died to self. For the battle that is coming, only the real diamonds,the ones who are totally empty of their own plans and visions, can be used. They are the true Spirit-led people. Yeshua putting the ring on His finger also stands for the bride that married the Bridegroom

We receive these messages from our Father, for one purpose- to share it with all of you, and to bless and equip others. Articles and prophetic words may be copied for free distribution or personal use provided they are reproduced in their entirety and with no changes.

703   55 years ago
dtalada | 0 subscribers
703   55 years ago
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