Getting the bible excitement tips.

<p>As time went along found myself buying books. The ministry I was under showed some of the best reference books to have.&#160;&#160; I probably&#160; owned 90% of them when all of a sudden came accross the free E-sword bible program for my computer.&#160; There may be better ones out there but this one gave free book modules that were free.&#160; They were the same as my paid for books.&#160; In time I had a second and then third computer.&#160; That is 3 free programs. Let&#39;s do some math here to see what I really got.&#160;&#160;&#160; Pulpit commentary----cost me $79 dollar disc. It is probably a $1,000.00 for the books.&#160; That would buy 2 laptops with money left over.&#160; E-sword was free.&#160; My knowledge of good and bad books show that the majority of books have errors that are big. so by having a good Theologian preacher who was dedicated to truth teach me helped know the best selection.&#160; It is important that your best teacher is the Holy Spirit,&#160; God uses men who have education but&#160; they must be accurate.&#160; Next time I will share the books and&#160; why they are good.&#160; God bless.</p>

888   54 years ago
thecatholicsoul | 0 subscribers
888   54 years ago
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