Mike Overson's Bible notes

<p>mikeoverson.multiply.com/video My Bible notes at Multiply are only until they will discontinue it like Friendfeed did, (nice going you evil atheists, see pages 165 and 210). Because I, (Mike Overson), had a calling&#160; to represent Jesus&#39; return,&#160; (an awkward job but somebody had to do it), I felt obligated to make a note on every part of the Bible that I received as a sign. It&#39;s not finished yet but I thought I&#39;d better post what I have in case I die a premature death. The latest update on 12-22-12 is on page 211, previous updates on 11-23-12 are on pages 33 to 46 and 188 to 211. After making these updates I&#39;m convinced that Multiply is making a very evil mistake, (= a siren at 1148am which confirms it because it means "I can&#39;t believe how cold you are"). The only way I know of to stop Multiply in a case like this is by PRAYER, (see pages 33 and 115 or my class L122 here at Multiply or at Vimeo), so I&#39;m praying that God will rescue social networking at Multipy and I hope others will to. latest Bible notes on 12-22-12 @ page 211.zip At Multiply: Download the attached Bible notes zip file and open it in text edit and instead of printing it click Preview for the best view of these notes. (I make these instructions idiot proof in case anyone is as dumb at computers as I am.)</p>

1027   55 years ago
evangelistpower | 0 subscribers
1027   55 years ago
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