Your Journey to Prosperity Part 2 - The Battle

While in the desert, you see a huge crowd of people. They're countless. Everyone is wearing full armor and some are bringingand waving the flags. You join them andnow warrior angels surround you all. All of you are now so ready for the battle and Jesus leads the battle. You move forward together with Jesus and His angels and begin to fight the enemies.

During your journey in the desert, you strongly feel Satan shaking you in your situations in different forms. This is a strong indication that God is truly bringing you to your breakthrough, bringing you to something new and grand. Otherwise, Satan will not bother you. He's the first to smell that something good will happen in your life, when he senses that God's favor is upon you and that's when he starts to hinder you to your blessings and miracles that God has for you. He will mess with your mind, with your emotions, with your health, with your personal relationship with God.

Don't let him rule you and don't let him attack you. This is your time to attack him and get everything that he had stolen from you. If you want to sing a song of victory, make God the head of the battle. He is your defender, He protects you like a shield and keeps you safe. Call to the Lord and He will save you from your enemies. Lift special prayers to Him and He will hear from heaven and release the answers of your needs. Praise Him and He will manifest into your life and fight your battles for you. (Please read Psalms 18:1-3)

How does God drive your enemies to the north and make you triumph? How does He fight the battles of your life? Go with me to Psalms 18:13-19.

Then the Lord thundered from the sky; and the voice of the Most High was heard. He shot His arrows and scattered His enemies; with flashes of lightning He sent them running. The floor of the ocean was laid bare, and the foundations of the earth were uncovered, when You rebuked Your enemies Lord, and roared at them in anger. The Lord reached down from above and took hold of me; He pulled me out of the waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemies and from all those who hate me - they were too strong for me. When I was in trouble, they attacked me but the Lord protected me. He helped me out of danger; He saved me because He was pleased with me.

The Lord is faithful. Indeed, His words are dependable. He's completely good to those people who call for Him, whose heart is so in tune with Him, who seeks and love Him. He is like a shield for all who seek His protection. He lets His light shines upon you and dispel your darkness. He places His countenance upon you, gives you strength to attack your enemies and power to overcome their defenses. He trains you for the battle and gives you victory over Satan and his troops.

Glory, honor, blessing, and power belong to our God Almighty!

1313   54 years ago
TG Vijayaraj | 0 subscribers
1313   54 years ago
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