Judas Iscariot and the issue of communism

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<p>The fatal compromise made for the sake of glory and material welfare is for eternity represented by the story of Judas’ betrayal.</p>

<p>As we know from the final part of the Great Gospel of John, Judas was truly seeking for social justice for his Jewish fellowmen, but also for the promotion of his own self-image as a co-savior of them and, eventually, of the entire world.</p>

<p>Seeing that the Lord doesn’t show any intention of changing the worldly order of things, he judged Him as weak, unable to use His godly power and tried to force Him to reveal His power in front of the people and authorities of Jerusalem. And how could he reveal it more obviously than in the case in which His own life would have been at stake? Surely, this is exactly what Judas would have done in such a terribly unjust and dangerous situation. Although he knew the Lord, he could not imagine (and Satan sustained him in his worldly blindness) that He would freely chose to give Himself as a living sacrifice, as an atonement for the sins of all people. But this is what He did, the greatest possible act of His infinite mercy and thus, gained infinitely more, not only for all the humanity ever, including His blind enemies, but also for His entire spiritual creation.</p>

<p>A great historical parallel to the story of Judas, was the forced attempt to social justice ideally represented by the communist system. Of course, communist leaders didn’t try to manipulate God in order to achieve their own purposes, bur literally tried to kill Him in the hearts of millions of people… However they didn’t start as God killers in front of the masses either… They started as fighters for human rights attempting to institute the social justice by "legitimate"force… Of course, "legitimate" because they assumed there&#39;s no chance that a possible God would have any kind of contribution to their cause.</p>

<p>So, workers of all countries… let’s forget about that old stupid fantasy called God and unite in order to make our own justice and laws… Just that, without a fatherly God in people’s hearts, they extremely quickly forgot the justice of their own conscience and lose also the love for the fellowman,&#160; paving the way for the worst demons that lead their evil rulers to destroy morally and physically their own people. Never before communism, had the humanity experienced such a large scale genocide of brothers of the same nation, never before was so active the most demonic, self-destructive hate. God was indeed replaced by human beings, and as these ones could not be but liars, they proved to be also the worst, unscrupulous killers. This is and always will be the price of replacing the true God of love from the hearts and minds of the people, with any form of human authority or ideal.</p>

<p><a href="http://community.beliefnet.com/psimonel/go/gallery/item/142799167"><img width="288" src="http://fast1.onesite.com/community.beliefnet.com/user/psimonel/0b15be85ac3576a4852536c64ce118ff.jpg?v=115200" alt="" /></a></p>


590   54 years ago
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590   54 years ago
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