Your Journey to Prosperity Part 3 - Preparation

While fighting your battles in the desert, you feel someone reaching out and touch your hand and you find Jesus by your side.

His presence brings the desert alive. And it feels so amazingly wonderful when Jesus leads you out of the desert into a much larger territory.

The crowd is now jumping up and down in celebration of the victory God has given all of you. More banners are waved this time as all of you shout, Sing praise to the Lord who rules. Tell every nation what He has done! His greatness is seen in the entire world!

You scan the desert and as you are watching the desert, you notice that there are changes on the ground. You start to see a very large fishpond forming. It’s about the size of the universe. It has no water yet. So, you start to soar high in the presence of God and see Jesus in the middle of the vast fishpond. He’s so majestic, so glorious. His robe shines so bright like the sun with its rays that partly touch the lower side of His robe that the part of it turns bright yellow. You've never seen anyone as glorious and as mighty as Jesus.

The Lord protects you and saves you. His care has made you great and His power has kept you safe, keeping you from being captured by the enemies. He trains you for battle, so that you can use the strongest bow. These are God’s promises to us in Psalms 91.

It's like being in an aikido class. The teacher will teach the stroke to his students. God will train your movements. Each person in the training center shares the same vision but has specific functions to do for the glory of God, not for men. God will empower you so that people will sense the light and love of God is upon you and they will be drawn to you because of the strong anointing known as the rivers of the Holy Spirit. One river is about the power of authority. When you receive this power, whatever you say in Jesus name will be done for you by our Father in heaven. Another river is the dynamic and explosive power that brings healing and miracles. The third river is the power of invincibility wherein Satan cannot touch you for you are so deeply rooted in God's word and is totally covered by the blood of Jesus.

You must know God's promises whether it be personal or for all the people and you need to know His program. And how do you discern that it’s God’s program? By communicating and knowing God, knowing His voice, His word and getting comfortable with God. And this is one way of showering you His gifts. The gifts that He pours down to people when we step into His presence, during the mighty moving of the Holy Spirit brings us to the fourth river which is the power of efficiency... some people become apostles, some become prophets, others become evangelists and teachers and some are in the ministry of health, government, and giving. Wherever God places each person, they will make the name of Jesus famous and tell the people of all the great deeds He has done and will do in the future.

God is giving you the seed so you can sow according to God’s leading through His revelations. He reveals in different ways... in dreams, in visions, audible voice, insights, wisdom, or God sends someone or a fellow Christian whom He uses for you to get God’s message. That is why it is so important to read and meditate the Word of God so that you can discern God’s voice from Satan’s voice. If the voice you hear is not in line with the Bible, it’s not God’s voice. When you act on what God is telling you, prosperity and wealth is yours. And when people think about prosperity, the first thing that comes to their mind is financial. But prosperity comes in different forms; it could be physical, emotional, material, or spiritual, not just financial.

You believe in God’s promises, in God’s revelations, solutions for your situation before they come to pass. 2 Corinthians 1:20 - 22 says: For all God’s promises are in Him

And so through Him we can say to the glory of God. 21 Now the one who makes us - and you as well - secure in union with Christ and has anointed us is God, 22 who has placed His seal on us and has given us the Spirit in our hearts as a down payment.

You need to practice patience as you wait for God’s promises and revelations to come to pass. When God reveals personal promises during your one on-one-worship, believe, be confident that it will come to pass. Nobody and nothing can take those promises away from you because God has already deposited it in you, so make soaking in the presence of God a lifestyle.

If you want to live a blessed life and cultivate the fruits of the spirit

Love the Lord your God for the rest of your life

Bring a Sacrifice of Praise

Worship Him wholeheartedly (mind, body, heart & soul)

Walk in the light of truth consistently

Walk in faith

Walk in trust

Walk in wisdom

Consult God

Make God your partner in everything you do

Hold fast in God

Abide in Him

Rest in the Lord

Wait on Him

These are the links that hook on God’s promises... healing, guidance, favor of the Lord, showering of gifts, divine provisions that are refreshed every morning, abundance, miracles... the better life.

To stand firm you need the grace of God. When you make these ways a lifestyle, then you will experience great results and experience God’s intervention, you will experience the supernatural moving of His power in your life.

Glory, honor, blessing, and power belong to our God Almighty!

1631   54 years ago
TG Vijayaraj | 0 subscribers
1631   54 years ago
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