PROPHECIES GIVEN TO BENJAMIN COUSIJNSEN These prophetic messages have been given 100% by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In early 2012, the Lord has been warning everyone in recent times through His messenger angels, who deliver the revelations and prophetic messages to His beloved prophet Benjamin Cousijnsen. By God Himself, he is appointed as His simple prophet of the end times. In the presence of a messenger angel of God, Benjamin Cousijnsen writes down everything, word for word. They come always in the name of Jesus Christ, also called Yeshua HaMashiach in Hebrew. Please help us to pass on these important messages. Translate it into other languages that you know. Send, copy and paste it without changing the original content, so that it will spread around worldwide. The Lord's Coming is very near, and the Lord Jesus Christ warns humanity more than ever, to hear the voice calling in the last days: "Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight!" Prepare yourself! All these words are from the Lord God and Jesus Christ. Time is short!