The Bridegroom is coming and His return is very close. I have been sent out ahead of Him, with a multitude of others who hear His voice. We go out to prepare His Bride so she shall be fit for the King. I must make a straight path for the Lord to follow and announce His coming! John went out baptizing with water, unto repentance, in preparation of the One coming after Him, whose sandals John was not worthy to loose. The One coming is coming again and so I, together with all those who would be His Trumpet Call, are going out baptizing with Spirit and Truth, according to that Spirit and Truth given us, so all, who have ears to hear, might be spared from the Day of Troubles that is coming upon the whole world.
You might be interested to know that I am a member of NO church named of men. Rather, I belong to my Lord Jesus Christ, and together with all those who are His, is the church in which I dwell. Nor have I ever been to church*, nor has any man taught me these things. Nor did I, in the past, even believe in God as He really is or in Jesus. Rather, I once believed in nothing, and that man knows nothing yet as he ought to know. Then God spoke to me, and revealed all these things to me, overcoming me with the power of His presence which is indescribable love and wisdom, causing me to humble myself before Him, not seeming to be able to get low enough because of my shame, thanking Him over and over for sending His Son to die for me ... my fate was sealed in the joy of knowing I shall serve Him the rest of my days, and even forever.