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After the Judgment of Epicures - The Second Coming of the Lord and the New Revelation

<p><em>In the following prophecies we are able to observe what carefully from both natural and spiritual perspective what will happen immediately before and at the Lord Second Coming and the relation of these events with the New Revelation.</em></p>

<p>“[5]&#160;<strong>The day of My 2nd coming will be as a lightning that goes from the east to the west, high in the clouded sky, and will illuminate everything that is under the sky</strong>. <strong>Before that will happen - as I have told you already several times - the Son of Man must still suffer many things</strong> and be rejected entirely by this generation, namely by the Jews and the Pharisees, <strong><span>and in later times by those who will be called the new Jews and Pharisees</span></strong>.</p>

<p>[6]&#160;As it happened during the time of Noah so it will happen in the time of the 2nd coming of the Son of Man. They ate and drank very cheerfully, they married and let themselves be given to marriage until the day that Noah climbed into the ark and the flood came and they all drowned. And it will happen in the same manner as during the time of Lot: they ate and drank, they bought and sold, and they planted and constructed. But on the day - as I have explained to you more in detail on the Mount of Olives - that Lot went out of Sodom it was already raining fire and sulfur from the sky, and they all perished by it.</p>

<p>[7]&#160;Now look, this is how it also will be and happen during the time when the Son of Man will be revealed again. Whoever will be on that day on the roof and knows that his household goods are in the house, let him not come down from the roof to get his household goods - which has to be understood as follows: he who really understands those things should stay with that understanding and not leave that level out of fear that by that he might lose worldly advantages, because those things will be destroyed.</p>

<p>[8]&#160;So also still another image: whoever is in the field (the freedom of understanding) should not turn around to what is behind him (old deceiving teachings and their rules), but should remember the wife of Lot, and should continue to strive forwards in the truth.</p>

<p>[9]&#160;I will still tell you more: during that same time there will be 2 in a mill and do the same work. The one will be accepted and the other left behind, which means: the honest worker will be accepted and the dishonest and selfish one will be left behind, because he who will try to keep his soul[5] because of the world, will lose it, but he who will lose it for the sake of the world will keep his life and will help him towards true eternal life.</p>

<p>[10]&#160;And still further, I say to you: in one and the same night of the soul, 2 people will lie in one and the same bed. Also then, the one&#160;will be accepted and the other left behind, which means: 2&#160;people will outwardly be in the sphere of one and the same confession of faith, but the one will be in the active living faith and will therefore be accepted in the living and lightful Kingdom of God, but the other will only adhere to the outer cult, which has no inner value for the life of the soul and the spirit, and will not be accepted in the living and lightful Kingdom of God, because his faith without the works of neighborly love is as it were dead.</p>

<p>[11]&#160;And further: there will be 2 people in the field of work. The one who will work without self-interest in the living faith out of love for God and out of love for his fellowman, will also be accepted in the true Kingdom of God. But the one who will work in the same field as the Pharisees without inner living faith out of pure self-interest, will obviously be left behind and will not be accepted in the living and lightful Kingdom of God.</p>

<p>[12]&#160;See, that is how it will be and happen during the 2nd coming the Son of Man, and this is how it will manifest itself. When&#160;in the&#160;future you will be permeated deeper with My Spirit, you will also clearly understand all that I have said now. At this moment however, I cannot explain it to you more clearly and more understandably."</p>

<p>[13]&#160;The disciples said: "Lord and Master, that is all right and we believe Your words, but where and when will it happen, counted according to earthly time? Surely, this You also can tell&#160;us."</p>

<p>(38.&#160;&#160;The 2nd coming of the Lord - GGJ&#160; Book 21)</p>




<p>"[2]&#160;At My second coming I will not be born somewhere as a child from a woman because this body will remain glorified in eternity - just as I in Spirit - and thus I do not ever need a 2nd body as you had in mind.</p>

<p>[3]&#160;First I will come invisibly in the clouds of the Heavens, which means: first I will come close to men by truthful seers, wise men and newly awakened prophets, and in that time also woman will prophecy and young men will have clear dreams by which they will announce My coming to the people, and many will listen to it&#160;and improve their life, but the world will call them daydreamers and will not believe them, as this was also the case with the prophets.</p>

<p>[4]&#160;<strong>So I also will awaken men from time to time to whom I will say by means of their heart to the pen, everything that now during My presence, is, happens and is being discussed. What will then be written once will in a short time of a few weeks and days be multiplied in many thousands of copies in a very artful manner which will be very well known by the people of that time, and so they can be conveyed to the people</strong>. And since the people of that time will almost generally know how to read and write, they also will be able to read and understand those new books themselves.</p>

<p>[5]&#160;<strong>In this way, the spreading of My teaching will then&#160;again <span>be given anew and pure from the Heavens to all men on&#160;the whole Earth</span>, much faster and effective than now by messengers in My name from mouth to mouth.</strong></p>

<p><strong>[6]&#160;Once My teaching will be brought in this manner among the people who are of good will and have a living faith, and when <span>at least </span></strong><strong><span>⅓</span></strong><strong><span> of the people will know about it</span></strong>, I will also personally, visibly and bodily, come to different places, to those who love Me most and have the greatest desire for My return, and who for that reason will also have full and living faith.</p>

<p>[7]&#160;<strong>And I Myself will form congregations out of them, against which no worldly power will be able to oppose or resist</strong>, <strong>for I will be their Commander-in-Chief and their eternal invincible Hero, and will administer justice to all dead and blind worldly people</strong>. And in this way I will cleanse the Earth of its old filth.</p>

<p>[8]&#160;However, during the time of those new seers and prophets <strong><span>there will be great misery and need among the people, as has never been before on this Earth</span></strong>, but for the sake of My chosen ones of that time it will only last for a short time, so that their development towards bliss will not be hindered.</p>

<p>[9]&#160;But in this land where I am now persecuted by the Jews of the temple as a criminal from one village to the other, and which is trampled down by dark heathens, I will personally not first act, teach and comfort the weak again. <strong>But in the lands of another continent that is now inhabited by heathens I will establish a new Kingdom, a Kingdom of peace, of unity, of love and of continuous living faith</strong>. Fear for the death of the body will no more exist among the people who walk in My light and who will always be in contact with the angels of Heaven and associate with them. Here you have now a real answer to your question."</p>

<p>[10]&#160;The scribe said: "Thus, Asia, the old cradle of mankind and of many blessings from God, will not be fortunate anymore to see and hear You when You will return to this Earth? This is truly not a happy news for this continent."</p>

<p>[11]&#160;I said: "The Earth belongs to Me everywhere, and I know in which place My return will be most beneficial for the whole Earth. <strong>At that time however, men will be able to contact each other from one end of the Earth to the other, and this as fast as the lightning that strikes from a cloud.</strong> And through the use of the spirits that are bound in the fire and the water they will, riding on iron roads, cover the greatest distances on Earth, faster than the heaviest storms that drive from one end of the Earth to the other. And the ships will, by means of these same powers, cross the big ocean in a much shorter time than now the Romans from Rome to Egypt. <strong><span>So&#160;then it will be possible to spread the message of My personal return in a very short time over the whole Earth, and thus also to&#160;Asia.</span></strong></p>

<p>[12]&#160;But then there is again the question: will the blind and deaf heathens of this continent also believe it?</p>

<p>[13]&#160;I think and say: this will hardly be possible before it will be purified by a great worldly judgment.</p>

<p>[14]&#160;There is a big country, far in the west that is surrounded on all sides by the great world oceans and which is, across the sea, nowhere in connection with the old world. <strong>From that country, first the people will come to know great things, and they will also come up in the west of Europe, and from that, there will be a bright shining and a shining in return. The lights of the Heavens will meat each other, recognize and support each other.</strong></p>

<p>[15]&#160;<strong><span>Out of these lights, the sun of life will develop - thus the new,&#160;perfect Jerusalem - and in that sun I will come back to this Earth.</span></strong> And now we have talked enough about what will happen in&#160;the&#160;future." &#160;(62.&#160;&#160;The return of the Lord - GGJ&#160; Book 21)</p>




<p><em>One possible simple understanding of the following revelations concerning the Second Coming is that once the earth will be purified by the fire of the poor that will change the social order worldwide, the spiritual enlighten of humanity will continue in preparation for Lord’s Second Coming. However, as we can read in the following excerpts this will involve the spreading of His new, pure teaching (NR) across the world, then the opposition and rejection of the new Jews (Christians) and Pharisees (Christian priests), the spiritual division caused by it between people inside of nations, groups and families and finally, when at least 1/3 of humanity will know about it the personal coming of the Lord to His people gathered in communities, who will become able to perceive Him spiritually and follow Him as their sole leader. </em></p>

<p><em>However we must not forget that we can never approach the true complexity of Lord’s teaching, which has infinite meanings and which is accessible to us only from a natural-spiritual perspective.</em></p>

<p><em>Still, it is obvious from these texts that the Second Coming is closely related to the destiny of the NR in these end times, fact which cannot surprise us, for the Lord says about it…</em></p>

<p><strong>"For the pure&#160; word is a light and in itself the greatest sign of signs and the greatest miracle of all miracles.” &#160;(Great Gospel of John VIII 154:4)</strong></p>


<p><em>Let’s now remember why the Lord gave us the New Revelation…</em></p>

<p><strong>"The reason why I am now giving out so much of the bread of heaven, as has never happened since the day I walked on earth, is that now indeed the time is approaching when the world reaches the culmination of its aberrations and deviation from My plan of creation."</strong> (Lord’ Sermons, 16)</p>


<p><em>Then, what it means not being able to recognize God’s direct word… </em></p>

<p><strong>“Everyone should strive above all to gain the highest possible knowledge of God. Whoever does not recognize God properly can never fully believe in Him, let alone love Him above all and, consequently, can never fully receive God’s spirit.” (The Great Gospel of John VI 227;18-19)</strong></p>


<p><em>Finally, when speaking of the New Revelation, any true believer can observe that there is much work to be done in this field, so… what are the seeders doing?</em></p>

852   54 years ago
The Judgment over the Epicures - other prophecies from the New Revelation concerning our times

<p>"[1] You know that someone who has become rich in earthly goods has most of the time also become in his heart as a stone of in sensitiveness and without love. What does he care about the many thousands of other people who are tormented by hunger, thirst and still other disasters, for he is well provided for, has never felt hunger or thirst and has an abundance of treasures to please him with every other pleasure, so that he does not have to taste any boredom or any other displeasure.</p>

<p>[2]&#160;But then, where does such a person stand in his inner spiritual sphere of life? I say to you: on the point of eternal judgment and its&#160;death, and his whole circle of acquaintances is not far away from&#160;it.</p>

<p>[3]&#160;Besides that, remember what I will proclaim to you: <strong><span class="fbUnderline">when there will be a lot of Epicures on the Earth, a general judgment over all the people on this Earth will also soon be allowed by God.</span> Then we will see if somewhere there will again be men who will stand up with the measuring stick in their hand and dare to say to their fellowmen: ‘Look, I have measured this big piece of land, I have indicated its boundaries and declare this as my complete inviolable property, and he who has the brutality to dispute this or will only say: ‘Friend, everyone of us has the right to snatch this imagined right out of your hands, as long as he has the power and the means to do it&#39;, I will punish with death.&#39;</strong></p>

<p><strong>[4]&#160;I say to you: <span class="fbUnderline">at that time such people will never exist</span>, for when next time I will come again on this Earth to keep judgment over such dead epicures, but also to give the reward of life to those who out of love for God and their fellowman have suffered much misery and distress, then the Earth will no more be measured with any measuring stick for the benefit of one person only, but wherever one will stand, he will also reap and provide for his need. And the people will well support one another, and no one will say: ‘Look, this is my property and I am lord over it.&#39;<span class="fbUnderline"> Because then men will perceive that I alone am the Lord, and that they all are brothers and&#160;sisters.</span></strong></p>

<p>[5]&#160;It is true that this should also be the case among the people now, but in this middle period of development of men who are still not purified by the big fire of life, it will stay allowed, but from now on, it will not be a full 2.000 years anymore. After that, the spirit will predominate strongly with men and on the Earth no more ‘mine&#39; and ‘his&#39; will be seen, nor will be talked about it.</p>

<p>[6]&#160;You, who are now My friends, possess a big piece of land of the Earth that has been measured to you. Ask yourselves who measured it to you as your legal property, and the answer will&#160;be: the laws made by men, and your money and other treasures to which again only men have awarded an idle value to&#160;it.</p>

<p>[7]&#160;From God&#39;s point of view, the whole Earth belongs to all men in equal measure, as this was the case in the beginning. Wise men should divide it according to the need of the people and should teach them to cultivate it, and then the fruits should be partly distributed by the wise men and the surplus should be kept in warehouses and storehouses that are arranged for that, so that no one in the community should suffer need.</p>

<p>[8]<strong>&#160;But if the rich and mighty will draw everything unto themselves, a lot of people must by that become very poor and live their lives in great misery and distress, because everything belongs to the few rich and mighty but nothing to the poor, except what the rich and mighty want to give them in a scanty measure for the heavy work that they have done for them.</strong></p>

<p>(Great Gospel of John Book 20, chap. 30.&#160;&#160; About future events)</p>



<p>"[1] Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.</p>

<p>[2] However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offense, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. <strong>The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad consequence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.</strong></p>

<p><strong>[3]&#160;But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves.<span class="fbUnderline"> The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second deluge by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.</span></strong></p>

<p>[4]&#160;But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for <strong>because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time,</strong> the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.</p>

<p>[5]&#160;Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.</p>

<p>[6]&#160;Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”</p>

<p>&#160;(Great Gospel of John Book 18, chap. 99. The coming judgments)</p>




<p>[5]&#160;<span class="fbUnderline"><strong>But when too many people will have reached the full measure of their evil</strong></span>, <strong>then the time of their unpunished evil actions will be shortened by Me for the sake of the still few good ones and chosen ones</strong>, and then their own judgment and their death will devour them before the eyes of the few righteous ones, just like it was the case at the time of Noah, and of Abraham and Lot, and also partially at the time of Joshua, and as it still will be repeatedly the case from now on.</p>

<p>[6]&#160;The beginning of that will soon be experienced by the Jews, as well as later by other kingdoms with their rulers and nations. <strong>And in not completely 2.000 years there will again be a very big and general judgment</strong>,<span class="fbUnderline"><strong> leading to salvation of the good ones and to ruin of the worldly great ones and the complete loveless people.</strong></span></p>

<p>[7]&#160;How that judgment will look like and what it will imply, that I have revealed already several times to all My disciples who are present here with Me, and after Me they will proclaim it to the nations of the Earth. Happy the one who will take it at heart and who will arrange his life accordingly, so that he will not be taken by the judgment.</p>

<p>(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap 97. About the measure of good and evil)</p>




<p>[16]&#160;Correspondingly, when men become, concerning their inner life&#160;activity, lukewarm, lazy, sleepy and without light, then immediately great movements will arise in the endless great spirit world, and these will then cause by their influence also all kinds of movements and waves among men who still live on this Earth. Then one nation rises against the other, one teaching fights against the other, and this will continue for a&#160;long time until men will be led to the greatest possible life&#160;activity.</p>

<p>[17]&#160;<strong>As a result, it will then also become clearer and lighter among them</strong>. The apparent need makes them inventive and forces them in this manner to an ever greater and more orderly activity. Because of that, the nations will learn to know each other, who before hardly knew anything of each other, and in time they will become useful for each other, and in course of time the light will&#160;increase among them and will in the first place bring about a greater longing for an almost tangible proven truth of life.</p>

<p>[18]&#160;When finally the need will become more general and the people will be no more satisfied with the pure authoritative belief, which is all the time a cause of the dark and lazy superstition, <strong>then the time will have come to give them a great and tangible light of life, full of clearness and truth.</strong></p>

<p>[19]&#160;<strong>And look, a lot of people on the whole Earth who nowadays are as if seized by a deep sleep by all kinds of laziness and darkness of life, <span class="fbUnderline">must thus be led into a heavy stormy movement until they can be awakened after a long series of periods of time to a point where in this awakened condition they finally begin to feel what they are lacking</span>.</strong>”&#160;</p>

<p>(Great Gospel of John Book 20 Chap. 10.&#160;&#160;The order in the household of God)</p>

1077   54 years ago
Particular prophecies about the Second Coming of the Lord and the global mass movements for true democracy and social justice

<p>Are there any divine prophecies about the growing mass movements for social justice starting in 2011?</p>

<p>Let&#39;s read the words put on paper by Jacob Lorber more than 150 years ago and offering the revelations given by Jesus Christ to His disciples during His earthly life...</p>

<p>“2. It shall be as in the days of Noah; love shall be on the wane and go completely cold; faith in a pure life and God recognizing teaching revealed to men from the heavens shall be converted into darkest, dead superstition full of lies and deception, and rulers once again shall use men like animals and slaughter them cold-bloodedly and most callously if not submitting to the dazzling powers without protest! The mighty shall be tormenting the poor with all kinds of repression, and persecute and suppress any freer spirit by any means, and therewith a tribulation shall come over mankind such as never was! But then the days shall be shortened on account of the elect, otherwise even the elect, who shall be found among the poor, should perish!</p>

<p>But <b>until then another thousand and not quite a second thousand years </b>shall elapse! <b>Whereupon I shall send the same angels which you see here now unto mankind with rallying trumpets. These shall so to speak awaken the spiritually slain mankind of the earth from the graves of their night, and like a pillar of fire rolling over the world, these many awoken millions shall fall upon the world powers, and none shall be able to stem them!" </b>(GGJ 1, chp. 72)</p>


<p>"[...]<b>Then those who deny God and the proud deceivers and suppressors will be wiped off the surface of the Earth, and those who believe and the poor will be raised up and be enlightened from the Heavens, as this is the case now, and as it will be the case again later in about 2.000 years</b>. The time, in which this can, and also certainly will take place, is as easy to recognize as can be seen in the late winter when spring draws near and you look at the trees and see how their buds are swelling more and more and become more juicy and how the juice, just like the tears of men, will drop down from their branches and twigs on the soil, and in a certain way are begging for deliverance from the need of the winter in which so many trees were pining away.</p>

<p>[7]&#160;So once the heart of the poor people will become brighter by the light of the truth from God, and will swell, and when moreover by the merciless and limitless suppression the soil will become humid because of their tears, then the great spiritual spring has come very close</p>

<p>&#160;(91.&#160;&#160;About the necessity and purpose of temptations&#160; - GGJ&#160; - Book 20, chap. 91)</p>


<p>“Not until true, purelove and the corresponding humility will rule and guide the natins, will it no longer be generally dark on the earth. There will certainly at all times be individuals who walk in the light, but always only few. <b>As long as there are worldly-great and excessively proud and ambitious rulers in the world, the seed of pride and of the lust for power will continue to grow rapidly in all ranks of humankind and night, darkness, selfishness, envy, avarice, persecution and betrayal, as the true elements of hell, will not cease &#160;until the time of the Great Judgement, when I shall cleanse the earth anew through fire. After that time no king will rule any more, but only the light of God</b>.’ And upon the question of the innkeeper when this time will come, the Lord says:</p>

<p>[10] “You can accept as full truth that almost every two thousand years there is a great change on this earth. So it will also be, counting from now.” (GGJ VI chp. 76)</p>

669   54 years ago
Who was Jakob Lorber? Who are the Lord's people at His Second Coming?

<p>Let&#39;s see if this is clear enough... I will put here a greater excerpt from the GGJ (Great Gospel of John), for it also has a reference to His workers of today... which may mean something for each one of us.</p>

<p>So we have here the Lord speaking to His blessed disciples 2000 years ago...</p>

<p>"And just as the Jews had to endure captivity because of their sins and fell into idolatry, so also <b>the people of the future</b> will, for the sake of their maturing, fall into similar mistakes – yes they can and shall fall into exactly the same ones. Just as I awakened prophets among the Jewish people,<b> also prophets will arise there and purify the pure teaching from the Heavens of all additions.</b></p>

<p>[11] However, this people is as good as totally unknown to you now, but in time they will arise with great force and will smash to pieces everything that is rotten and useless, for they are mighty in their still intact natural force. <b> </b></p>

<p><b>The same teachers that came down here as My servants will also come back again there, partly in the flesh, partly in the spirit, and they will testify of Me with great enthusiasm and all-conquering force, as they testified of Me up to now. And I will be invisible at their side and lead them.</b></p>

<p>[12] But then, once that people will also have reached such a height that foreign kings are afraid that they will possess the Earth, like the Romans now, a time will come with full of surprises for the nations on Earth. <b> </b></p>

<p><b>For not that people will be the middle point, but a new people will arise that will be formed from the most noble generations of all people. These will conquer the world with My power. And peace and unity will and must then rule over all nations and peoples. And amidst that new people, salvation will be born that will need neither king nor law but only this: `Love God above all and your fellow man as yourself.&#39;</b></p>

<p><b> [13] And you, My faithful followers will be co-workers of this new material and spiritual kingdom. </b>That is why you are gathered here, namely to hear already in your first earthly days from My mouth for what purpose I am calling you. <b>For all those who are for you now invisible and who will also be workers for the bliss of this Earth – and through this Earth, the universe and the spiritual kingdom – are also present. </b>And they rejoice over you as co-workers of the work that has started. But you will see them, those great legions that are necessary to make the work prosper."</p>

<p>[14] After these words I opened for all those who were present their spiritual sight, and they saw all prophets and angels of My Heavens who came in a most friendly manner near to them and they talked with them about My latest revelations.</p>

<p>This scene lasted for about one hour, and all those who were present asked every possible question to the spirits who answered them in a very friendly way. <b>Then I called John the Baptist and Elijah to Me, whom those who were present knew only in the personality of the Baptist</b>.(*) And I said loudly in the presence of all: "<b> </b></p>

<p><b>You have been My predecessor in this great time of My coming to the people, and <span>you will again be My predecessor when that great time will arise about which I have spoken</span>. But <span>the people will not recognize you then, despite that you will know who you actually are, because that last temptation in the flesh that you can expect will become the foundation for the building of the dawning kingdom of peace.</span></b></p>

<p><b> [2] The people at the time of your next life will care little about your word, but it will be written in their soul with burning letters so that they will nevertheless feel it when they will be free of their body. <span>That word of you will be My Word, and I will demand an account of everyone who heard it but despised it.</span></b></p>

<p><b>[3] But you, My loved ones and faithful ones who are gathered around Me and are surprised about the things that clearly happen now before your eyes, will form the tribe of those who will form<span> the new elect people, and you yourselves will contribute to its foundation in My name as a great brotherhood</span> that draws strength from My Spirit to perform great deeds."</b> (GGJ Book 25, chp54-55/ XI,30)</p>


<p>(*) So this is about three years after his death ordered by Herod and short before Lord&#39;s own death.</p>

<p>But we know more about <b>John the Baptist</b> - right from the beginning of the GGJ:</p>


<p>"<i>6. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.&#160; </i>(John 1:6)</p>

<p>[1]This man, who preached repentance by the Jordan and baptised the converted with water, was called John. In this man dwelt <b>the spirit of the prophet Elias</b>, and this was the same angel spirit who in the very beginning defeated Lucifer and later on the noted mountain wrestled with Lucifer for the body of Moses." (<b>archangel Michael</b>) (GGJ I, 2)</p>

<p>So, it seems that&#39;s why it is called The Great Gospel of John... :-)</p>

601   54 years ago
“Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

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<p>The Lord through Jakob Lorber:</p>

<p>„<strong>He who wants to live properly may accomplish this in any church, because the main rule is as follows: examine everything and keep what is good. I will tell no one: become a Catholic, a Protestant, or an Orthodox! Instead, remain what you are if you so wish; but be an active Christian in spirit and in truth!</strong></p>

<p><strong>Because anyone may have access anywhere to the pure word of God, if he so wishes.</strong>” (Earth and Moon, chp. 73)</p>


<p>The Lord through Gottfried Mayerhofer:</p>

<p>"<strong>So as to be on the safe side, believe only Me, listen only to My voice in your hearts, which does not deceive, and do not let yourselves be deluded by clever, sell-seeking interpreters of My Word.</strong></p>

<p><strong>Here the word holds good:</strong></p>

<p><strong>&#39;Examine what you hear and read; adhere to the good and eliminate the bad</strong>.&#39;"(Secrets of life )</p>




461   54 years ago