Lyric & Music : Ashish Joseph
Vocal: Ashish Joseph
Backing vocals:Bernice Easo,Sam Chacko
Keyboard Programming:Sam Chacko
Guitar & Rhythm:Jeremy John
Mix and Mastering : Jeevan Johny
Drum featuring:Sajan Chacko
Studio:Sm music production Hub,Ranni
Shoot & Edit : Don Valiyavelicham.
The present song is a heartfelt devotion, sprouted during one of my personal meditations on December 20th 2021. I pray that this song “pranasakhi” will also be a blessing to you. There is so much effort behind this video song and only by the Grace of God it became possible. I thank each and every one who stood along with me in bringing this song to reality. May God bless You. Here is our song.
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