Showing 11 to 20 of 91 blog articles.
Sunday Christians

 Sunday Christians

 Many believers have very little to do with God outside of their time in church on Sunday morning. Very few churchgoers seem to have a good understanding of scripture and, in fact, not many even take their Bible to church so the preacher can tell them almost anything and they will nod their heads. After the service, it is often hard to find people who are interested in discussing biblical matters as their interests are more in sport or whatever else is going on in the world. They are not being very wise as, firstly, they are putting their eternal salvation in the hands of a preacher who could be misleading them and, secondly, they clearly show that they have put God in second place to the things of the world. James 4:4 speaks harshly against this where it says, "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." Are you an adulterous enemy of God or a son of God?


Sons Of God

When we first put our trust in Jesus, we become sons of God; we are born again and adopted into the family of God. What sort of son limits the time he spends with his Father to one hour a week on Sunday? or even less if an 'important' event prevents him going to church. The fact is, many churchgoers give their friends and entertainment far, far more time than they give God. In Mal. 1:6 the Lord says, "A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?" We greatly dishonour God when we allow the spirit of this world to control us and guide our thoughts to anything and everything other than the things of the Lord. Rom. 8:14 tells us that "those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." A son of God is led by the Holy Spirit and is focused on godly matters, not personal amusement and affairs of the world.


The World

The Holy Spirit never leads us to be friends with the world. That is the Devil's job. He is very good at it and never gets tired so we have to be alert at all times. If we are to be the son God wants us to be then we must be led by the Spirit and resist all temptation to follow the world. Rom 12:1-2 tell us, "I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God … Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will." God's will for us is that we become like Jesus and live holy lives. We can only do that by turning away from our fleshy lusts for the things of the world which are temporary and bring sin and death to those who love them. The things of the world may bring short term pleasure but the result of pursuing them may well be eternal sorrow.


In Ecclesiastes, King Solomon spoke of his search for happiness through worldly activities. Even though he had enormous wealth, absolute power and great wisdom, nothing satisfied him. He tried everything he could think of to find happiness but found that what the world had to offer was meaningless. In Ecc. 12:13 he said, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." The fact is, worldly pleasures and possessions are here today and gone tomorrow. Many in the church unwisely seek worldly pleasures, wealth and power but Solomon showed that even his exceedingly great wealth, power and wisdom failed to bring lasting happiness. After all his efforts, he came to understand that contentment can only be found in God. 1 Pet. 1:24-25 tell us how temporary men and their glory are: "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever" and 1 John 2:17 tells us, "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."


It's very unwise to expect God to welcome us with open arms if, most of the time, we have Him in second place while we are seeking to find satisfaction from the world. God takes no pleasure in part-time sons. In Rev. 3:16, Jesus warns casual believers, "because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth." 2 Cor. 13:5 urges us, "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves." If you are in the faith then you will be led by the Holy Spirit. If your focus is on what the world has to offer you then you are being led by the spirit of the world. In Hebrew, the word for faith and faithfulness are the same word so when Hab. 2:4 tells us that "the righteous will live by his faith" it also means that the "the righteous will live by his faithfulness." Does your faith have you faithful to the world and its lusts or faithful to the one who died for you? Are you in the faith or a Sunday Christian? I urge you to examine yourself and see if you are in the faith as Jesus said in Matt. 7:21, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" and 1 Thess. 4:3 tells us what God's will is: "It is God's will that you should be sanctified [that is, live a holy, separated life]."

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Mick Alexander





798   54 years ago
World Peace

To all who "have ears to hear and eyes to see..."- I invite you to join me in this petition.  Simply click on this URL.  Sign the Petition if you would like to join me.  It will take many signatures so maybe you can copy and paste this URL and send it to your contacts on FB, blogs, websites and channels.  

951   54 years ago
Unity In Truth


<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Unity In Truth</font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><i>"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."</i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">(John 17:17)</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Within Christianity there is a lot of pressure to ignore doctrine and to unite with churches which clearly have false teachings. Some people say that we all love the same Jesus so we should put aside our differences and simply look at what we have in common; basically they are saying that believing in Jesus is all that matters. At first, this would seem to be a good thing because Jesus prayed for all believers asking, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal"> (John 17:21). However, when we take a closer look at what Jesus was saying, we see that a few verses earlier He said, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> (John 17:17). In these verses, Jesus is asking God to sanctify (make holy and separate) all believers in the truth of His Word. So, when Jesus was asking God to make us all one, He was asking that we be united in the truth of the Bible. God does not want us to unite with those who hold false teaching and this fact is made very plain in </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rom. 16:17: </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">Keep away from them</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">."</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> Rather than unite with those who have false teaching, this verse urges us to keep away from them. God does not want unity at the expense of truth.</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>Love one another</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">As already noted, if we believe that a church has false teaching then we should not unite with them. However, when we refuse to unite we are often told that we are unloving. After all, we are told, Jesus said to love even our enemies. If we don&#39;t think this through then we may come to feel that we are unloving and have a guilt trip which could lead us to being persuaded to unite, against our better judgment. The fact of the matter is, eternal hell waits for those who follow false religions so we should not unite with them. Real love is keeping separate and showing them their error in the hope that they too will repent and be saved. </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Eph. 4:12, 15 tell us that God wants us to </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"be built up until we all reach </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">unity in the faith</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">and that we should be</span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> "</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">speaking the truth in love.</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">" </span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">Real love and unity can only come through a common bond of truth, not a mixture of truth and error. In Phil. 1:9-10, Paul wrote: </span></span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ."</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal"> Paul is telling us that our love, purity and discernment grow with our knowledge and insight into God&#39;s word. Uniting with error is not loving, pure or discerning.</span></span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>The Ecumenical Movement</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">The Ecumenical Movement is a Roman Catholic plan to unite all Christian denominations (as well as all the world&#39;s cults and religions) into a one world religion, headed by the Pope. Many people are being drawn into this, but born again believers should not be part of it as Roman Catholicism is a false gospel. Catholicism teaches that the forgiveness of sins and salvation can only be obtained in their church, through the Eucharist sacrifice in the Mass. They curse anyone who says otherwise. As a matter of fact, they have placed over one hundred curses on Protestants and anyone else who disagrees with their doctrines. Rather than love those who oppose them, they curse. </font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>The woman of Revelation 17</b></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Rev. 17 tells us about a woman riding a Beast during the end times. She is called Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Prostitutes. The following points from Rev. 17 are given to help us identify this woman. </font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">The woman:</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Commits adultery with the kings of the earth (v.2) – She has unholy relationships with world leaders.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Dresses in purple and scarlet (v.4) – Like Rome&#39;s bishops and cardinals.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Adorns herself with gold, precious stones and pearls (v.4) - She is extremely rich.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Has a golden cup in her hand (v.4) – Like the golden cup of the Mass.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Is drunk with the blood of the saints (v.6) – Like during the inquisitions etc.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Sits on seven hills (v.9) – Like the city of Rome.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">If this is not enough evidence to identify the woman as being the Roman Catholic Church then God leaves us with no doubt when, in <font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rev. 17:18, He told John that </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth."</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> When John wrote Revelation, Rome was the city that ruled over the kings of the earth so it is very plain that the Roman Catholic Church is the woman called Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Prostitutes. </span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">It may be argued that Rev. 17 is history but this argument is false as Rev. 17:12, 16 tell us that ten kings help the Beast destroy the prostitute and this event is not found in any history book. It is yet to come and Rev. 18 continues on to prophesy that it will happen. </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rev 18:2: </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"With a mighty voice he shouted: &#39;</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.&#39;" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rome is clearly identified as a demonic institution which will be destroyed and for this reason God commands His people to come out of her. Rev 18:4: </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Then I heard another voice from heaven say: </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">&#39;Come out of her, </span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">my people</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.&#39;" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">This is a very strong warning to separate or suffer the consequences. </span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>Finally</b></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">How can born again believers unite with a church that God says is demonic and will be destroyed? 2 Cor. 6:14 asks believers, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">what fellowship can light have with darkness?</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal"> The obvious answer is, "None!" </span></span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rather than join the Ecumenical Movement, believers need to separate otherwise they will share in her sins and receive her plagues. 1 Cor. 10:21 tells believers, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord&#39;s table and the table of demons." </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">In the same way that a Muslim convert must separate from Islam, born again believers must separate from Roman Catholicism and the Ecumenical Movement as God says, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">(2 Cor. 6:17).</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">There are two excellent videos on YouTube which expose Catholicism in more depth: They are called A Woman Rides The Beast and A Lamp In The Dark.</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">This article can be downloaded under the heading Blog Articles at</font></font></font></p>

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<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">It can be read online at</font></font></p>

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<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Mick Alexander</font></font></p>

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<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

917   54 years ago
You Don't Have To Take It Any More


<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="3"><b>You Don&#39;t Have To Take It Any More</b></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">Sin shall not be your master.</span></i></font><font size="3"><i>"</i></font><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal"> (Rom. 6:14)</span></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="3">I don&#39;t think that there can be greater heartache than knowing Jesus and yet still be a slave to sin. It&#39;s common knowledge that there are many churchgoers secretly addicted to pornography, alcohol, drugs and other sins. They don&#39;t want to be that way but don&#39;t know how to overcome their slavery to unrighteousness and their hearts ache because of the darkness that is hidden within them. They feel great shame but put on happy faces. Only they, and God, know the awful shame that is deep within their souls. They want to change</font><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"> but remain as they are because n</span></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal">o one has ever told them that they don&#39;t have to take it any more, that is, they don&#39;t have to take sin any more.</span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> Jesus came to set the captives free so that no one has to remain a slave to sin. In</span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"> </font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">John 8:34, Jesus said, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin,"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal"> BUT He continued on to say, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">(John 8:36). So, if you are battling with the likes of pornography, alcohol or drugs, then you too can be freed and enter into the wonderful peace of God which comes when inner darkness is replaced with light. How is this done?</span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><b>Firstly, Let&#39;s Look At Our Sinful Nature</b></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">There is no question that we will be influenced by our sinful nature until we see Jesus but this does not mean that we have to give in to it. Many people say that we are only human and can&#39;t be free from slavery to sin despite the fact that Jesus says we can be. I once heard the following: "We have a body which gets hungry so we eat, a body which gets thirsty so we drink and a sinful nature so we will always sin." This is a terrible lie which leaves many souls burdened with the guilt of their sin. Jesus clearly says that He can free us. In </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rom. 7:24-25, Paul openly admitted to the wickedness of his flesh when he said, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"What a wretched man I am!"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> BUT he went on to say, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Who will </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">rescue me</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord!" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Plainly, Paul tells us that through Jesus he was changed and rescued from his fleshy body of death. In Rom. 6:14, he said, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"sin shall not be your master"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> and this is made possible through the Holy Spirit.</span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><b>The Holy Spirit Empowers Us To Overcome Sin</b></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">God knows very well how weak we are so when we repent and accept Jesus He sends the Holy Spirit to live within us to guide us and to empower us to overcome our lusts. Through the Spirit we can be freed from our sinful nature as Gal. 5:16 so clearly states: </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">live by the Spirit</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">, and you </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">will not</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> gratify the desires of the sinful nature.</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> This is not a fairy tale, it&#39;s God&#39;s Word and millions of Christians, past and present, can testify to being rescued from the worst of sins. The Bible says that God has no favourites so if you have not been rescued from your body of death then you can be sure that God is waiting to deliver you also. God has given us the ability and responsibility to live a holy life. </span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><b>Ability And Responsibility</b></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><span style="font-weight: normal">Firstly, regarding our ability,</span><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> the reason God sends the Holy Spirit to live within us is to transform our lives so that we are able live a life which pleases Him. Speaking about the Spirit, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">2 Pet. 1:3-4 says, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">His divine power </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">[the Holy Spirit] </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">has given us everything we need for life and godliness </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">[so that]</span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> you may participate in the divine nature and </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> From these verses we can see that the divine power of the Spirit gives us the ability to escape the corruption of sin and live a godly life (see Ezek. 36:25-27 also).</span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Next, regarding our responsibility, we are commanded to </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">live by the Spirit.</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> We do this by repenting with all our heart, soul, mind and strength whenever the Spirit convicts us of sin. If, for example, pornography is a problem to you then the next time you desire it, fight it with all your might and call upon God to strengthen you to resist. You can be sure that God loves you as much as He loves any other person and will strengthen you to overcome when you are truly repentant. If your repentance is half-hearted then God will not deliver you because He sees that you love your sin more than His righteousness. You have to come to the point where you hate your sin as much as He does. When you reach that point, and call out to Him in repentance, He will rescue you and change your heart attitude toward that sin so that you can resist it when tempted </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">in the future. When temptation comes again, and it will, you have to stand firm and not give in to it in the least otherwise you will be hooked again and have to start over. James 4:7 says, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> God does not lie so believe this with all your heart, resist sin with all your strength, and you will be freed.</span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font size="3">Pornography, alcohol and drugs are not the only addictive sins. In a sense, all sins are addictive. Many churchgoers are addicted to gossip, hate, jealousy, etc. and these sins need to be repented of in the same way as pornography, alcohol and drugs. Gal. 5:19:21 lists many other sins which will exclude people from the kingdom of God.</font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><b>Finally</b></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">You don&#39;t have to take it any more. Jesus offers you freedom from the burden of sin. Don&#39;t believe the lie that has many thinking, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">"That&#39;s just me. I&#39;m only human." If you are caught up in sin then I urge you to a</span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">ccept Jesus&#39; loving invitation: </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">(Matt. 11:28-30). </span></span></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

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<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">Mick Alexander</font></font></p>

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5836   54 years ago
Getting the bible excitement tips.

<p>As time went along found myself buying books. The ministry I was under showed some of the best reference books to have.&#160;&#160; I probably&#160; owned 90% of them when all of a sudden came accross the free E-sword bible program for my computer.&#160; There may be better ones out there but this one gave free book modules that were free.&#160; They were the same as my paid for books.&#160; In time I had a second and then third computer.&#160; That is 3 free programs. Let&#39;s do some math here to see what I really got.&#160;&#160;&#160; Pulpit commentary----cost me $79 dollar disc. It is probably a $1,000.00 for the books.&#160; That would buy 2 laptops with money left over.&#160; E-sword was free.&#160; My knowledge of good and bad books show that the majority of books have errors that are big. so by having a good Theologian preacher who was dedicated to truth teach me helped know the best selection.&#160; It is important that your best teacher is the Holy Spirit,&#160; God uses men who have education but&#160; they must be accurate.&#160; Next time I will share the books and&#160; why they are good.&#160; God bless.</p>

865   54 years ago
Faith And Faithfulness


Faith And Faithfulness

"The righteous will live by faith." Hab. 2:4


The following article was written by Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries. I have added the bits in square brackets.


In Hebrew, the word for "faith" is "emunah" from which we get the word "amen"; in Hebrew the word for "faithfulness" is "emunah". It is the same word, like from the book of Lamentations: "Great is thy faithfulness" (Lam. 3:23). The Hebrew language makes no distinction between "faith" and "faithfulness" and neither, technically, does the Greek - "pistis". There may be a difference in the case endings, but the word for "faith" and the word for "faithfulness" is the same. In other words, if somebody's faith is genuine, they are going to be faithful. "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36).


A saving faith is not a mere, intellectual faith; Satan has an intellectual faith; Satan knows it is true. If it is a saving faith, there will be faithfulness. The problem is that instead of following the Hebrew or Greek, our translations generally follow the Latin Vulgate of Jerome. "Faith" and "faithfulness" are different in Latin. Hence, in English, we get the wrong perspective. If it is a saving faith, we will be faithful.


Hab. 2:4 says,

"The righteous will live by faith." [It could be translated,]

"The righteous will live by faithfulness."


Eph. 2:8 says,

"We are saved by Grace through faith." [It could be translated,]

"We are saved by Grace through faithfulness."

(Commencing, of course, with the faithfulness of Jesus).


Heb. 11:6 says,

"Without faith it is impossible to please God." [It could be translated,]

"Without faithfulness it is impossible to please God."


We make a distinction between "faith" and "faithfulness" because of translational complications we should not be making.

end of Jacob's article.


From what Jacob has shown us, we see that faith and faithfulness go hand in hand. Real faith is shown by faithfulness so if someone claims to have faith but is not faithful then they have a dead, worthless faith because James 2:26 tells us that "faith without deeds is dead." A tree is known by its fruit and "every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (Matt. 7:17-19).


This article can be downloaded as a PDF or an MP3 from -


It can be read online at


Mick Alexander

786   54 years ago
God's Love


<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><b>God&#39;s Love</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">"God is love."</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"> (1 John 4:16)</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">As we look at the evil in this sin-sick world it is easy to see why non-believers say that God cannot be a God of love. It&#39;s hard to find words to describe how low mankind has sunk and, despite all the empty talk, things are only going to get worse until Jesus returns. God is allowing the world to continue on its sinful free-fall into greater filth, violence and apostasy. However, there is a limit as </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">"He has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed </span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none">[that is, Jesus]</span></span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">"</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="text-decoration: none"> (Acts 17:31). But why is Jesus so slow in returning? Speaking about Jesus&#39; return, </span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="text-decoration: none">2 Pet. 3:9 gives the answer where it says, </span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">"</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">"</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"> It is because of His great love for mankind that God is patiently waiting for sinners to repent and then He will return to judge the world with justice and great wrath</span></span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">.</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"> If He was not patient and loving then He would have returned to destroy all sinners long ago. So, lets look at the love of God.</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><b>The cross</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="text-decoration: none">God&#39;s love is not a dizzy-headed, fuzzy feeling that fades away after a honeymoon period. His love is an unchanging, solid and selfless commitment. For over three years Jesus walked towards the cross knowing the awful agony that He would soon endure. </span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">On the night before He was crucified, He was in such anguish that, while praying, </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i>"his sweat was like drops of blood"</i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"> (Luke 22:44). This occurs with extreme trauma but despite the trauma Isa 50:7 tells that </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i>"He set His face like flint"</i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"> in His determination to suffer on the cross to save you and I from hell. Now, THAT is love!</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">On the way to the cross, after being whipped and beaten, Jesus was more concerned about the women weeping for Him than for Himself (Luke 23:27-31).</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">On the cross, in awful agony, He selflessly continued to think of others. </font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">In mortal agony -</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">He forgave a thief being crucified beside Him (Luke 23:39-43);</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">He asked God to forgive His executioners (Luke 23:33-34) and</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">He asked a disciple to care for His mother (John 19:26-27).</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">Through all of this, God watched Jesus&#39; agony and Isa. 53:10 tells us that it pleased God to allow His Son to suffer for us. We sinned against God and Jesus paid the penalty of death for us. Now, THAT is love far beyond measure and understanding. </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">In John 15:13, Jesus said,</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i>"Greater love has no one that this,</i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i>that he lay down his life for his friends."</i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><b>God&#39;s love since the cross</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">God&#39;s love did not end with the cross. He continues to lovingly draw the unsaved to Himself and sends the Holy Spirit to live within all who repent of their sins and put their trust in Jesus. The Holy Spirit lovingly and patiently disciplines and guides believers to be conformed to God&#39;s will.</font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"> I</font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">t is because of His love that He disciplines us, even severely if necessary. </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">Heb. 12:5-6</font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"> tell us, </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i>"My son, do n</i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">ot make light of the Lord&#39;s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord </span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><u>disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son</u></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="text-decoration: none">." </span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none">To discipline us, God manipulates our emotions and circumstances in order to get us to repent of our wicked ways so that we walk with Him in peace and inherit eternal life.</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">The Prodigal Son is a perfect example of God&#39;s patient love and discipline. This young man arrogantly asked for his inheritance while his father was alive and then went off to waste the money in wild living. When his money was gone, he ended up feeding pigs that were eating better than he was. These conditions caused him come to his senses and repent so he went back home hoping to work for his father as a slave. To his surprise, his father saw him in the distance and ran to welcome him home as his son, not as a slave. This parable is given to tell us how our heavenly Father controls our circumstances and emotions to bring us to repentance whenever we go off the path of holiness. God is extremely patient and loving toward us. </font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">Psa. 100:5 says,</span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; </span></i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">his faithfulness continues through all generations.</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><b>Finally</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.</span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">" </span></i></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">(</span></span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">1 John 3:16</span></span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">). We</span></span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"> should not have the slightest doubt about the love God has for each one of us because His love and faithfulness are ever present in our lives. Nor should we doubt the love He has for the unsaved as He continues to patiently draw them to Himself in the hope that they will repent. If anyone says that God is not loving and asks why He does not put an end to evil then we can safely tell the</font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">m that He plans to do that soon enough but in the meantime He is waiting for them to come to repentance. As sure as night follows day, the present time of Love and Grace will end and God&#39;s fierce wrath will be poured out on the earth. Amen.</span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">This article can </span></font></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-weight: normal">be downloaded as a PDF or an MP3 from -</span></font></font></font></p>

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<h3 align="LEFT" style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal" class="western">&#160;</h3>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">It can be read online at</font></font></p>

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<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="3">Mick Alexander</font></font></p>

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790   54 years ago
Mike Overson's Bible notes

<p> My Bible notes at Multiply are only until they will discontinue it like Friendfeed did, (nice going you evil atheists, see pages 165 and 210). Because I, (Mike Overson), had a calling&#160; to represent Jesus&#39; return,&#160; (an awkward job but somebody had to do it), I felt obligated to make a note on every part of the Bible that I received as a sign. It&#39;s not finished yet but I thought I&#39;d better post what I have in case I die a premature death. The latest update on 12-22-12 is on page 211, previous updates on 11-23-12 are on pages 33 to 46 and 188 to 211. After making these updates I&#39;m convinced that Multiply is making a very evil mistake, (= a siren at 1148am which confirms it because it means "I can&#39;t believe how cold you are"). The only way I know of to stop Multiply in a case like this is by PRAYER, (see pages 33 and 115 or my class L122 here at Multiply or at Vimeo), so I&#39;m praying that God will rescue social networking at Multipy and I hope others will to. latest Bible notes on 12-22-12 @ page At Multiply: Download the attached Bible notes zip file and open it in text edit and instead of printing it click Preview for the best view of these notes. (I make these instructions idiot proof in case anyone is as dumb at computers as I am.)</p>

994   54 years ago
Christian Espionage Novel Released


<p>The Christian espionage novel entitled Heart of Terror was just released.&#160; The back cover reads: "Two ill-prepared individuals are thrown into separate terrorist worlds and forced to fight and endure.&#160; They struggle to stop the ongoing onslaught of terrorism.&#160; At times, their efforts even turn humorous.&#160; Their paths, linked together from the start eventually merge for a potentially devastating climax."&#160; Heart of Terror is available in ebook and from the usual outlets like Amazon and Barnes and Noble.</p>

646   54 years ago
The Two Wolves

<p>&#160; The Two Wolves "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life." (Deu. 30:19) &#160; Whenever someone repents and accepts Jesus as Lord of their life, the Holy Spirit comes to live within them and, from that point on, a spiritual battle exists between their sinful nature and the Holy Spirit. Gal. 5:17 describes this battle: "For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want." Our sinful nature is a powerful force which will continue to rule our lives unless we submit to the Spirit just as Gal. 5:16 tells us, "live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." The following parable describes the battle within us: &#160; An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life... "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. &#160; One wolf is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego. &#160; The other wolf is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. &#160; This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too." &#160; The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" &#160; The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed." (Author Unknown) &#160; This parable truly describes the spiritual battle every Christian faces. Which wolf are you feeding? Rom. 8:13 also tells us that there are two ways we can live: "if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." 1) You can feed the evil wolf and live according to your sinful nature and die or 2) You can feed the good wolf and through the Spirit put to death the misdeeds of the body and live. &#160; You need to choose wisely as only "those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God" (Rom. 8:14). Choose life and through the power of the Holy Spirit put to death the misdeeds of the body so that you may inherit eternal life. &#160; This article can be downloaded as a PDF or an MP3 from - &#160; Mick Alexander Email: Website: &#160; &#160;</p>

695   54 years ago


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