When You Walk On The Path


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1096   5 years ago
Appalachia | 3 subscribers
1096   5 years ago
When You Walk On The Path © Ever read The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, published in 1678? It's the 2nd most popular book in the world after the bible and it's never been out of print. This song is based on some of the events that Christian Pilgrim, the main character in the book, encounters.
LYRICS - When you walk on the path you’re going to be tempted. You won’t get far ‘til the Deceiver comes. He’s been waiting for you and he’s mighty hell-bent to sow his seeds of discontent.
(CHORUS): The hearts of men are easily swayed by the things that seem good for a short time then the darkness falls and you’ve lost your way 'til you call upon the name of Jesus.
When you walk on the path keep your eyes on the goal. Your home’s in heaven at the end of the way. Some may promise you power or offer you gold to go with them down an easier road.
When you walk on the path it’s going to be hard. Many things will get in your way. You learn from your walk to keep guard of your heart, follow the light and avoid the dark.
© D.N.W.
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