Take you in - life is all about finding the One whose love will take you in


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711   1 year ago
anonymous | 4 subscribers
711   1 year ago
Early 2020... into the pandemic and a power outage in my local area. A deep February snow storm had made power lines and trees heavy. This kind of snow - the sticky stuff that is great for making snow men, is awful for power lines. It takes a long time for the power to come back due to wide spread outages and deep snow. I had a long time to think, be still and consider what was happening at the time. Shops, airports, schools and business all closed as if the whole world was grinding to a halt. My thoughts drifted to God "what are You allowing to happen here?" I wondered. "Where are we going with all of this?" A stillness fell over me and I was overwhelmed with peace... all suffering is a call to draw close to Jesus. Not a time to panic but to seek the One who desires us jealously. Politicians were scurrying making plans to give us all some cash - which was a pittance for those whose lives were beginning to crumble. Wall street was down to the right and people were beginning to see signs of a new way of life; a new normal.

When our world crumbles and we are left with our thoughts in the stillness of night His love is waiting, patiently, jealously to take us in to that place of silence, love, solitude and peace. As an author who I cannot remember once said "We are restless O God until we find our rest in You." Will you come to the One who has been longing for you and wants to take you in?
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