Showing 31 to 40 of 91 blog articles.
The Fat Shepherds Are Fleecing The Sheep - Ezekiel 34

<p>&#160; The Fat Shepherds Are Fleecing The Sheep - Ezekiel 34 &#160; What has happened to our society? Why is the world becoming more and more immoral and lawless? Why has the church lost its godly influence? There was a time when the church was well respected and had a strong moral grip on society but that is no longer the case. Why? The fact is, when the world looks at &#39;Christianity&#39; today, they see paedophiles, homosexuals, filthy-rich leaders and televangelists teaching false doctrine, self appointed prophets prophesying lies, crazy antics in churches and so called Christians joining with cults and pagan religions etc. There really is no need for us to scratch our heads and wonder why there has been such a strong moral decline in society – it is simply because the church has gone astray and lost its stabilising influence. The unsaved are not stupid; they see through much of the nonsense and, quite rightly, consider themselves as good as any &#39;Christian&#39; and perhaps even more righteous. How can a Christian talk to them about their sinfulness when they see the &#39;church&#39; doing the same things? Why should they bother seeking our guidance? A friend said that the Devil has done such a great job destroying the church that he is now holidaying somewhere in the Caribbean, and it doesn&#39;t look as though he will ever need to return to work. He can relax and enjoy his holiday because the shepherds he has placed in the church are doing a great job for him. &#160; Looking after the flock Ezek. 34 tells how the shepherds of Israel fed richly off the people but didn&#39;t take care of them, just as many of the church leaders do today. Ezek. 34:2-4 says, “Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally.” Israel&#39;s shepherds were feasting off the flock while neglecting to care for them physically or spiritually; the spiritually weak were not being helped in their faith; those needing physical help were ignored; those who had strayed from the faith were not brought back or even searched for – the flock was neglected and abused in every way while the shepherds ate off the fat of the land. This is exactly what is happening in many churches today. Leaders are not tending their flocks but rather they are fleecing them and living in luxury while there are believers in great need worldwide. It can&#39;t be justified. &#160; Ezek. 34:5 gives the result of neglecting the flock: “They were scattered because there was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals.” When believers are not being cared for, they can lose their faith and hope and wander off to become food for the many false religions and cults. It is common for people to get sucked into churches who promise all sorts of things but when these promises fail they leave in disappointment and bitterness, rejecting Christianity in the belief that it is full of lies. This leaves them wide open to other wolves who will seduced them into their hell-bound ways. &#160; False doctrine 2 Tim. 4:3 tells us that “the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” Surely that time is now. Many leaders and televangelists have replaced solid doctrine with shallow &#39;all about me&#39; nonsense - “Make me rich! Give me power!” Their teachings are shamelessly self-centred yet well received by many itching ears because it is all about what they can get from God, rather than death to self. Death to self is complete self-denial but many prefer the lies as Jer. 5:31 tells us: “The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end [at the judgment]?” &#160; Most Christians believe that Jesus&#39; return cannot be too far off. If we really believe this then we must also take careful note of His warnings of end time deception (Matt. 24). If you and I want to be able to discern this deception then we must have a good understanding of scripture. If we don&#39;t know the real thing then how can we discern a fake? Do you study your Bible and take it to church or do you just believe the voice from the pulpit? That voice could be one of the Devil&#39;s co-workers masquerading as a servant of righteousness (see 2 Cor. 11:13-15). We only get one chance at salvation so we must be careful and study the Bible to see if we are in the truth and truly born again. Jesus commands us not to be deceived - can you biblically defend what you have been led to believe? Do you get upset when someone questions your beliefs? If so, then it is a sign that you are not secure in your doctrine, you may be in error. We all need to study opposing doctrine and have peace about what we believe. If we are misled then we can&#39;t blame someone else. We must check things out for ourselves. Remember, there is no second chance, no Purgatory. &#160; Finishing off The greatest reason for the world&#39;s ever worsening condition is that the church has lost its godly influence over society. Christianity was once a standard for morality and common decency but ungodly behaviour by so called Christians has blackened the name of Jesus. Sadly, the unsaved see the wickedness and nonsense in the &#39;church&#39; and think it is Christianity. A good way to explain things to the unsaved, and witness at the same time, is to show them Matt. 24 where Jesus predicted it would happen before He returns to destroy the wicked. &#160; We really can&#39;t do anything about the falling away of the church because it is part of end time prophecy. However, we can be good Bereans and search the scriptures to be sure of what we believe. My question to you is, “Are you in the faith or into heresy?” Search the scriptures and be separate from the wicked. &#160; &#160; This article can be downloaded under the heading Blog Articles at &#160; &#160; Mick Alexander Email: Website: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;</p>

976   54 years ago

For more details, go to:

God is a grand designer. He is an expert in masterpieces. God is an impeccable architect. He is a perfect renovator.

Even when things are seemingly out of hand, this grandmaster called God almighty, will find a way out of the most complex situations or circumstances.

This God who is also the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, surely knew what to do when the Adamic project failed. His answer? THE KINGDOM.

The kingdom is God’s total answer to man’s total need. The kingdom is the absolute satisfaction for the absolute desperation of man. The kingdom is the integral solution to the totality of man’s need. The kingdom is God’s comprehensive response to man’s utter desperation.

That is why in Matthew 3:1-2 “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

When John the Baptist started his ministry, he started it by proclaiming the kingdom. The reason is because as the forerunner to the New Testament ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, he had been given the privilege by God to proclaim that dispensation which is to come. THE DISPENSATION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Though a forerunner, John the Baptist might not have known all the intricacies of the gospel of the kingdom. Yet, he knew that it’s going to be the focus of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. To God, this was a major event. Not just in that Jesus Christ was born, nor in that he was about to start his ministry. What is of equally important significance is the message that the Messenger would carry. To God that message was extremely important. So he gave a foresight of that message to John the Baptist to proclaim ahead of the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

John could not have started his ministry with any other message apart from the message of the kingdom, for it was to become the central message of the New Testament. God had to see to it that the opening message to this new dispensation, lines up with his ultimate agenda for the earth. The gospel of the kingdom is an integral part of God’s redemptive plan for man. It is to become that total answer that God provided to the total need of man. Hence, it could not be mistaken by John the Baptist. His proclamation must be right, because it is the ultimate solution to the ultimate desperation of man.

For more details, go to:


the kingdom driven life, kingdom driven life, purpose driven life, purpose of life, the purpose driven life, the purpose of life, purpose in life, what is the purpose of life, keys to the kingdom, seek first the kingdom of god, kingdom of god, evangelism, spiritual awakening, spiritual disciplines, personal growth, holy spirit, the holy spirit, spiritual gifts, word of faith, word of god, christian, christian books, spirituality, gospel, jesus, church, christianity, bible study, god, bible verses, prayer, prayers, daily devotions, discipleship, what is the kingdom of god, church leaders, spiritual leadership, church growth, kindle, kindle books, kindle book

953   54 years ago
World Peace

To all who "have ears to hear and eyes to see..."- I invite you to join me in this petition.  Simply click on this URL.  Sign the Petition if you would like to join me.  It will take many signatures so maybe you can copy and paste this URL and send it to your contacts on FB, blogs, websites and channels.  

951   54 years ago
Christian Teen Fantasy

The Christian teen fantasy entitled Hafren: A Fantasy for the Young at Heart was just released.  I think you'll enjoy the fast-pace plot and occasional humor.  Hafren: A Fantasy for the Young at Heart is available from and from the Lighthouse Christian Publishing website.  If you would like to read an excerpt from the novel, go to the following link:

930   54 years ago
Unity In Truth


<p align="CENTER" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Unity In Truth</font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><i>"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."</i></font></font></font></p>

<p align="CENTER" style="margin-left: 0.64cm; text-indent: -0.64cm; margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">(John 17:17)</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Within Christianity there is a lot of pressure to ignore doctrine and to unite with churches which clearly have false teachings. Some people say that we all love the same Jesus so we should put aside our differences and simply look at what we have in common; basically they are saying that believing in Jesus is all that matters. At first, this would seem to be a good thing because Jesus prayed for all believers asking, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal"> (John 17:21). However, when we take a closer look at what Jesus was saying, we see that a few verses earlier He said, </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth"</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> (John 17:17). In these verses, Jesus is asking God to sanctify (make holy and separate) all believers in the truth of His Word. So, when Jesus was asking God to make us all one, He was asking that we be united in the truth of the Bible. God does not want us to unite with those who hold false teaching and this fact is made very plain in </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rom. 16:17: </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">Keep away from them</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">."</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> Rather than unite with those who have false teaching, this verse urges us to keep away from them. God does not want unity at the expense of truth.</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>Love one another</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">As already noted, if we believe that a church has false teaching then we should not unite with them. However, when we refuse to unite we are often told that we are unloving. After all, we are told, Jesus said to love even our enemies. If we don&#39;t think this through then we may come to feel that we are unloving and have a guilt trip which could lead us to being persuaded to unite, against our better judgment. The fact of the matter is, eternal hell waits for those who follow false religions so we should not unite with them. Real love is keeping separate and showing them their error in the hope that they too will repent and be saved. </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Eph. 4:12, 15 tell us that God wants us to </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"be built up until we all reach </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">unity in the faith</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">and that we should be</span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> "</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">speaking the truth in love.</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">" </span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">Real love and unity can only come through a common bond of truth, not a mixture of truth and error. In Phil. 1:9-10, Paul wrote: </span></span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ."</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal"> Paul is telling us that our love, purity and discernment grow with our knowledge and insight into God&#39;s word. Uniting with error is not loving, pure or discerning.</span></span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>The Ecumenical Movement</b></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">The Ecumenical Movement is a Roman Catholic plan to unite all Christian denominations (as well as all the world&#39;s cults and religions) into a one world religion, headed by the Pope. Many people are being drawn into this, but born again believers should not be part of it as Roman Catholicism is a false gospel. Catholicism teaches that the forgiveness of sins and salvation can only be obtained in their church, through the Eucharist sacrifice in the Mass. They curse anyone who says otherwise. As a matter of fact, they have placed over one hundred curses on Protestants and anyone else who disagrees with their doctrines. Rather than love those who oppose them, they curse. </font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>The woman of Revelation 17</b></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Rev. 17 tells us about a woman riding a Beast during the end times. She is called Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Prostitutes. The following points from Rev. 17 are given to help us identify this woman. </font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">The woman:</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Commits adultery with the kings of the earth (v.2) – She has unholy relationships with world leaders.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Dresses in purple and scarlet (v.4) – Like Rome&#39;s bishops and cardinals.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Adorns herself with gold, precious stones and pearls (v.4) - She is extremely rich.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Has a golden cup in her hand (v.4) – Like the golden cup of the Mass.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Is drunk with the blood of the saints (v.6) – Like during the inquisitions etc.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Sits on seven hills (v.9) – Like the city of Rome.</font></p>



<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">If this is not enough evidence to identify the woman as being the Roman Catholic Church then God leaves us with no doubt when, in <font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rev. 17:18, He told John that </span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth."</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal"> When John wrote Revelation, Rome was the city that ruled over the kings of the earth so it is very plain that the Roman Catholic Church is the woman called Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Prostitutes. </span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">It may be argued that Rev. 17 is history but this argument is false as Rev. 17:12, 16 tell us that ten kings help the Beast destroy the prostitute and this event is not found in any history book. It is yet to come and Rev. 18 continues on to prophesy that it will happen. </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rev 18:2: </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"With a mighty voice he shouted: &#39;</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal"> spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.&#39;" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rome is clearly identified as a demonic institution which will be destroyed and for this reason God commands His people to come out of her. Rev 18:4: </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"Then I heard another voice from heaven say: </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">&#39;Come out of her, </span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">my people</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.&#39;" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">This is a very strong warning to separate or suffer the consequences. </span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><b>Finally</b></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">How can born again believers unite with a church that God says is demonic and will be destroyed? 2 Cor. 6:14 asks believers, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">what fellowship can light have with darkness?</span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal">"</span></span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: normal"> The obvious answer is, "None!" </span></span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">Rather than join the Ecumenical Movement, believers need to separate otherwise they will share in her sins and receive her plagues. 1 Cor. 10:21 tells believers, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord&#39;s table and the table of demons." </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">In the same way that a Muslim convert must separate from Islam, born again believers must separate from Roman Catholicism and the Ecumenical Movement as God says, </span></span></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">"come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><u><span style="font-weight: normal">Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you</span></u></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><i><span style="font-weight: normal">" </span></i></font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><span style="font-style: normal"><span style="font-weight: normal">(2 Cor. 6:17).</span></span></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">There are two excellent videos on YouTube which expose Catholicism in more depth: They are called A Woman Rides The Beast and A Lamp In The Dark.</font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">This article can be downloaded under the heading Blog Articles at</font></font></font></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><a href="" target="_blank"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"></font></font></a></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">It can be read online at</font></font></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><a href="" target="_blank"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt"></font></font></a></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Mick Alexander</font></font></p>

<p align="LEFT" style="margin-bottom: 0cm"><font face="Times-Roman, Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Email:</font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal"><font color="#000000"><font face="Times New Roman, serif"><font size="4" style="font-size: 16pt">Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></font></font></font></p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal">&#160;</p>

<p align="JUSTIFY" style="margin-bottom: 0cm">&#160;</p>

918   54 years ago
Just Because Faith is not Fact, does not make it Fiction (Pt. I)

Yesterday I titled my message, “Faith not Fact.” Today I say, “Just because faith is not fact, it does not make it fiction.

Some may ask, “How in the world does this make any sense logically.”

It’s easy you see.

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines faith a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty

(1) : fidelity to one's promises

(2) : sincerity of intentions

•\tacted in good faith

(1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God

(2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion

(1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof

•\tclinging to the faith that her missing son would one day return

(2) : complete trust

3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs

How can you make something a fact when it’s not direct evidence? How can you make something fictional, when situations occur daily that are not easily understood or explained by science and/or the medical field? How can you explain that of physicians polled believed religion and spirituality (including prayer) have a positive influence on health and recovery . Aren’t doctors some of the supposed “most intelligent” people on the planet? How then, do they overwhelming admit that prayer and other spiritual factors may have an influence on healing?

Yet the author of the video, “10 Questions Every Intelligent Christian Must Answer” seeks to poke fun at the intelligence of a Christian. He basically states that a Christian believes in an imaginary friend. I don’t know about you, but the last time I checked anyone who believes in an imaginary friend past the age of six is considered a little slow.

How can we be intelligent if we have an imaginary friend?

One way a person with low self-esteem attempts to hide his or her insecurities is by bashing others for what they stand for or what they enjoy doing. Rather than spending time enjoying your own hobbies and chasing after your own passions, these people waste precious time and energy trying to scrutinize the passions of others.

They tend to mask behind their own insecurity with statements about how intelligent they are and how much more they know. Yet, a wise person is never boastful because it contradicts everything about wisdom. Sometimes it’s wise to walk away but other times you have to stand up for what’s right.

The author of “10 Questions Every Intelligent Christian Must Answer” is not right, and despite some interesting points he brings up, he just does not get it. I’ll now try to make up a “lousy excuse for God’s behalf.”

Prayer and Healing

Prayer is considered one of the most powerful tools (and even weapons) in Christianity. One very popular example is about a young girl who was traveling alone through an alley where a victim was subject to rape just the day before. The rapist was waiting in the same alley again that day for his next victim. When the girl noticed the suspicious looking man, she instantly felt something was not right. She said a quick prayer, asking God to protect her. She continued walking and passed by the suspicious individual without harm. Weeks later the suspect was arrested and confessed to everything. The girl who walked by that day became a vital witness in the case. When asked why he didn’t attack this particular girl, the man responded, “Are you crazy? She had two men walking on each side of her.”

The guardian angel story is one of many miracles that cannot really be explained. It just happens and the parties involved are never the same again.

In the video, the author poses two questions about prayer and healing. Why does God not heal amputee legs and why does God not provide food for the millions that are hungry in Asia, Africa, etc?

Two great questions with no easy answer. In the Gospels, it does say that God will answer any prayer. Unfortunately, we do not know when the answer will come. It’s important to remember that God works on his time and not ours. If it was our time, everything would happen right away. We need to pray but we also must do our part to help. Are you donating money and other goods to those who need it over in Third World countries? Is the author of this video?

While God will answer prayers, we cannot just ask anything and assume it will magically appear. If that was the case, we would know God did exist and everyone would be a Christian. God is not a genie who grants you three wishes. He answers prayers in a very mysterious way. In today’s world we all want the quick fix, but God’s timetable is just not so. We have to look in the mirror before we point the finger at God. We also must trust completely in God and surrender everything to him before we can believe that anything will really happen.

I do not turn to another individual and demand that he instantly solves this issue for me. God is different yet if he solved everything instantly, the room for doubt would no longer exist.

God works in mysterious ways and you just have to accept it as truth if you really want to believe that he will eventually make a difference. Even non-believers in America without prayer must admit that they are not doing their part financially to support world poverty and hunger despite being in a privileged circumstance to actually have the ability to help.

God’s Demand on Death

The author cites Exodus 35:2, Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Leviticus 20:13, Deuteronomy 22:13-21, and other verses in the Old Testament as examples of an unloving God who was quick to put people to death based on the old law. It’s important to remember that the Old Testament and New Testament are highly different and each represent a different covenant.

As I stated last week, it’s important that we retain some of the old law such as the Ten Commandments. However, it’s obviously that not everything in the Old Testament is correct and or relevant to today’s society. The old law, which the four examples cited above fall under, was broken when Jesus Christ arrived on earth and died for our sins. His death on the cross represents the new covenant between God and man, one that broke the old covenant in the Old Testament.

Remember, back in the Old Testament only certain priests and certain prophets were filled with the Holy Spirit and only those individuals had direct communication with God. The law was established under Moses to keep “God’s people” under check as they left Egypt during Exodus.

The people in Exodus constantly complained and gripped in the desert despite just months earlier being freed from bondage in Egypt. They wanted instant answers much like the author of the video. God continued to show up and make known his presence. The people would flea in fear and then return to bitching as soon as God left.

If you have studied Exodus like I have, I think it’s quite clear that God is actually very loving and forgiving. God had plenty of opportunities to ditch this earth, starting with the original sin, yet he never left.

Yes, the four scriptures cited in the video talk about putting individuals to death, but they were all very serious offenses at the time. What’s to say it’s any different from a death penalty (which is even no longer considered politically correct) that punishes murderers?

Some may argue that killing someone for not honoring the Sabbath is very extreme yet they do not understand the importance of the Sabbath on Jewish culture. Others may say that killing disobedient teenagers is rash, yet couldn’t we afford to punish our rebellious teenagers just a little more in today’s culture. I’m not saying we kill them, but we’re way too soft on the young generation.

Homosexuality and fornication are two issues that each individual must decide whether or not is just. At the time these laws were written, they were nearly as serious as murder. You have to understand the time period and that they no longer apply today because of the new covenant.

In fact, when Jesus appeared, he said “the greatest commandment was to love God and the second was to love your neighbor.”

He preached love, mercy, and passive aggressive behavior rather than the person the author of the video makes him out to be.

The ultimate battle in today’s society is the warfare between science and the warfare of religion. Many religious individuals instantly neglect anything that is scientific and write it off without checking the facts. Individuals in science on the other hand are too focused on just the facts and often judge anyone who actually believes in a higher power.

An individual with a world that revolves around science is afraid to take risks. For them, everything is centered on what they know and what they can prove. If faith is the belief in something you cannot prove, how can you acknowledge God and religion?

One of the biggest bashes against the Bible include references to passages that go against scientific theory. Obviously God creating the world in six days completely goes against “The Big Bang Theory” and what science understands about earth’s creation. The great flood that also wiped out the entire earth is heavily discouraged in science. The video also cites Jonah living inside a whale for three days and Adam being created from a handful of dust.

Sure, Elijah was carried up into heaven in a “fiery chariot” into heaven too. How can you possibly prove that someone can enter heaven before dying? How can you prove that Jesus walked on water?

You cannot. Some of these circumstances in the Bible completely go against physics and basic scientific reasoning but does that make them fairy tales? Of course not. If you really believe in God and Jesus Christ as supernatural being, than you agree that they can make the impossible possible. I know I cannot walk on water, but I do not know the same about Jesus.

Could I alone live in a whale’s stomach for three days? No way. But what about under the supervision and power of God? You bet.

How does someone just one day decide to wake up after being induced for years in a coma? Is it mere chance or a divine power? Science cannot prove everything either.

A good friend of mine constantly states that one of his beefs with the Bible is the fact that it says “slaves, obey your masters.”

Like the author of this video, for my friend, this just does not make any sense.

What kind of rational person would warrant slavery?

This question that haunts every believer, but once again you have to consider the time period. At the time these passages were written, slavery was very common and accepted as “status quo.” Obviously a time arrived in society when the majority of the world tossed out slavery as taboo.

The video says that any intelligent person cannot support slavery, yet many of the forefathers of this great nation owned slaves. Abraham Lincoln, great of a man as he was, made slavery illegal in part because of peer pressure as much as doing what he knew was right. Are we saying all of our forefathers were dumb? If so, this nation was built on a lie.

Don’t get me wrong. I completely oppose slavery, but you have to consider the times. Abortion for example, is becoming more and more accepted in society. Yet a “radical” could argue that abortion is genocide in disguise. If we fast forward six hundred years and abortion is no longer legal, would people in that generation automatically write off our generation as dumb and ignorant? Despite all our technological advances, would we be haunted by one major misconception?

894   54 years ago
God will restore 7-Fold

<p>I recently received a prophetic word that God was going to restore 7 -fold what the devil had taken. Great word! I was thrilled! Jumped up and down. Shared it with Arthur. We were very excited about it. It was the first word on restoration I had received in 7 years. For 7 years, it had been either silence or our words had been: “you are in the battle; God says you have been faithful”. Nothing revelational there! You know when you are in the battle. You don’t need a prophetic word to confirm it! I knew the devil had stolen from us. It was almost as if everything was been sucked down into this black hole of nothingness. As I am very much a stickler for it that if God speaks, I act! , I started to act on my prophetic word. I sat down and made a list of all that the devil had stolen. Not because I was greedy, just because I wanted a visual list in front of my eyes to be able to thank God for His 7- fold restoration every time I laid my eyes on the visual. My “stolen goods list” looked along this line: - Houses (lost 4) We&#39;d all love to live in a "Smart House" - Cars - Money - Clothes - Make up - Health (from been under constant stress) - Medical Aid - Insurance - Holidays - Jewelry - I’m very tempted to list my hairdresser! (long story) - Our Jobs - Our Name - Our reputation - Bedding - TV’s, carpets, furniture - Food But a strange emotion occurred when I started the list. It started with the Health aspect. I really wanted (not needed) to have some dental work done, and the thought that kept on crossing my mind: “I can pay to have dental work done, but if I trust God, God will do it for free. Flip the coin, if I pay, the devil is stealing MONEY from me again, because I’m spending money on Health when God promises me: Ps 103:5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle&#39;s. REVELATION (yet again): I DID NOT NEED TO PAY MONEY FOR DENTAL WORK; GOD COULD DO IT FOR FREE! 2nd on my list was my family&#39;s health &amp; stress related symptoms. I kept on hearing this quiet whisper: " but my Son has paid the price for your healing." 1 Pet 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness-- by whose stripes you were healed. REVELATION (yet again): You don’t need to pay MONEY for medication when Jesus paid the price in FULL FOR MY HEALING! ONLY BELIEVE! Next up was the houses and the cars: God just said: If I’ve called you to be a sojourner through this earthly land, do you need a house and a car? Yes, u do, but God provides all the way! The question God challenged me with was "you trust God to provide a house and a car?" Another issue sorted! God was ticking them off my list at an alarming rate! The JOB, MEDICAL AID and INSURANCE we had to deal with 6 years ago. We had to learn to live by faith. Arthur and I felt for US (not for you, but for OUR FAMILY) God was saying, I want you to rely on ME for your daily provision, and a roof over your head. It was a TOUGH LESSON to learn. When the restoration word came, the Holy Spirit whispered: “do you really want to go back to the bondage of a salary, medical aid and insurance? Do you really want to trade all the lessons you’ve learnt living by faith for a lifestyle of just enough (salary) and of having a backup plan incase I don’t work? (Medical Aid &amp; Insurance)” My response was: but what happens if it all gets stolen (insurance)! WRONG QUESTION! “If the devil has stolen from you and you have learnt to live by faith, you are able to faith it all back! And once again, I will restore more that the devil took! What have you really lost?” was quietly offered as an answer. The devil cannot rob me of my FAITH in God! As the Holy Spirit made mince meat of all of my "stolen goods to be restored 7 Fold" points, the only thing I came up with what had truelly been stolen (BY FAITH God could heal and replace all of the rest, I only had to BELIEVE) was my RELATIONSHIPS! (and the Holy Spirit just proved to me once again that I did not know God well enough to trust Him to restore) The devil has stolen many of our (ours &amp; the children&#39;s) relationships with family and friends. The crux of my list left me once again realising: GOD IS ONLY INTERESTED IN PEOPLE! Only when I had started "seeking 1st the kingdom of God" had I received the promise of 7-fold restoration. Only once I started leading people to the Lord, praying for the sick, started preaching the good news of the Gospel, - all the things important to God, did the promise of restoration come. Once my sights were focussed on what God saw as important, PEOPLE, not just people, but where people would spend eternity, how I treated individuals, what words of life had come out of my mouth to sow life etc, He sorted out the rest. All else comes down to my faith level in “ONLY BELIEVE” Matt 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. The reality check I experienced was we all equate Restoration 7 - fold to Finance/Money! Even with all the lessons I&#39;ve experienced in the last 7 years, I really needed to shift my thinking into "the mind of Christ" before thinking of "things to be added to me" Now, I can truelly look forward to God restoring each and every relationship, and *SEVEN FOLD BONUS!* adding many more because He promised He would restore 7 fold all that the devil had stolen! *Bonus* Look after people (saved &amp; unsaved/rich &amp; poor/lovely &amp; unlovely/goodlooking &amp; ugly) and God looks after your needs!</p>

892   54 years ago
My Life Is Broken: Now What ?

Romans 8:28 .... all things work together for good to them that love God ......

To tell someone God fixes broken lives is all Well and good , but what if it's your life that's broken ? It's a very serious issue that needs not only answer's , but practical answers you can sink your teeth into.

If you are a believer in Christianity , it can make it easier , but not necessarily better. First and foremost , you must , I repeat "must" believe that God is in total control of all happening's on this planet , and that he has a plan for your life. If one cannot get beyond that , all the rest of their life will be lived out in hit and miss , resulting in confusion , no matter how much teaching or counseling they receive.

Realistically speaking , the catalyst of life , revolves around breaking and mending. No difference how low one has sunk in this life , God has a way of incorporating the broken pieces of a life

into his wonderful plan . The negative part of brokenness is that it blinds you for a season. Any answer given during that season cannot be utilized until the grieving is over. As one develops their trust in the fact , that God truly is in control and does have a plan for their life , they will start seeing him at work.

See God in everything and you can make it through anything !

God bless you on your journey !

891   54 years ago
The Promise of the Lord (chap. from The Household of God 1)

<div class="oneBlogText fullTextContent">

<p>"29. And now, you blind scribe of this My new and living Word within you, as also within all of you, look at Adam what he was like in Paradise. He was a perfect man, with one exception, endowed with many abilities, a perfect lord of the earth. All his perfections were but a gift from Me and he kept them until the time when he just once forgot Me, after the angel had become invisible to his eyes.</p>

<p>30. And behold, all that which Adam possessed as a gift will I give all of you as a permanent gift and countless more and endlessly greater treasures, that is, Myself. And all that is Mine shall be yours too if you love Me, and nothing but love Me!</p>

<p>31. But where is your love for which I paid such a high price and which I would like to call Mine forever? Oh, there is not much of it left on earth! It is so easy and so gentle, but you do not want it and do not seek it where it is waiting for you and reject the high prize it holds." (The Householf of God, chp. 11)</p>


<p>Chapter 12 THE PROMISE OF THE LORD</p>

<p>"1. Oh, you children of Adam, why would you not rather become My children? How much effort and hard work it costs you to obtain the bread of Adam which drips from the sweat of your hands and is soiled by the drivel of serpents and soaked by the poison of adders and through which you in your immoderation eat yourselves into temporal and then also eternal death!</p>

<p>2. And My bread is spread with the honey of My love and soaked in the milk of the forever tree life out of Me. You could eat it with the greatest enjoyment and it would never harm you, but instead strengthen you and endow you with all the might and power out of Me for all eternity and already temporally, if you would only accept it. Behold, soon after My greatest act, which is the great work of salvation for you, the price for this My bread was still very high and people could buy it only in small quantities and that only through the sacrifice of their blood and physical life for Me. At that time this My bread tasted bitter in the mouths of the buyers and was not yet spread with the honey of love and soaked in the milk of free life already temporally, but both, the honey and the milk were given the grieving buyers in the right measure only in the realm of spirits. Nevertheless there were buyers in great numbers.</p>

<p>3. But now when I give it freely with honey and milk to everyone who wants it for the only very small reward of your love, now it is bitterly scorned and the great and kind Giver, who is surely and truly full of the greatest love for you, is rejected.</p>

<p>4. Know this: Now I have the gates of My heavens wide open. Whoever wishes to enter, let him do so, but let him come soon, let him come at once, for the Great Time of Grace has come and the New Jerusalem is descending to all of you upon the earth in order that all who love Me may take up residence where they will become satisfied with the honey and milk- soaked bread and shall drink their fill of the pure water of life which they shall draw in abundance from the eternal Jacob&#39;s well.</p>

<p>5. However, while the descent of My great city will be a boundless grace for all My children, it will on the oilier hand crush the blind and squash the deaf with its strong walls. For it will be large enough to cover the entire face of the earth. And whoever will not see it descending and will not perceive its rushing through the clear atmosphere of the earth, will no longer find a place on earth where to hide from it and escape being crushed.</p>

<p>6. For behold, the weight of its palaces will crush the mountains leveling them with the valleys, and I will place its houses over sloughs and bogs and all the scum existing therein shall be crushed completely by the foundations of the houses of the great city of God, your holy Father in heaven and on earth.</p>

<p>7. And the true Shepherd will call His sheep and they shall hear and recognize His voice to the ends of the earth. Then they will come and happily graze in the vast pastures of the Father, which are the great gardens of the new holy city of the Great King of all nations that were, are and will forever be.</p>

<p>8. These gardens will be the Paradise lost through Adam, which I, as the First, have found again and faithfully kept for them as an eternal mansion.</p>

<p>9. This is the reason why I have shown you in all detail My great household from eternity, have shown you My creation and how the first man came into existence. I will further show him to you to the end of his days and will show you the great whore and the destroyed Babylon, and then I will lead you into My great holy city and there give you a permanent home for all eternity, if you love Me above all, as I love you.</p>

<p>10. Behold the heavens and the earth! One day they will pass away physically and will exist only spiritually. But every one of My words, which are spoken to, you will remain as it has come from My mouth, both physically and spiritually, in all the might and power of holiness forever and ever. Amen."</p>

<p><a href=""><img width="180" src="" alt="" /></a></p>


868   54 years ago
Getting the bible excitement tips.

<p>As time went along found myself buying books. The ministry I was under showed some of the best reference books to have.&#160;&#160; I probably&#160; owned 90% of them when all of a sudden came accross the free E-sword bible program for my computer.&#160; There may be better ones out there but this one gave free book modules that were free.&#160; They were the same as my paid for books.&#160; In time I had a second and then third computer.&#160; That is 3 free programs. Let&#39;s do some math here to see what I really got.&#160;&#160;&#160; Pulpit commentary----cost me $79 dollar disc. It is probably a $1,000.00 for the books.&#160; That would buy 2 laptops with money left over.&#160; E-sword was free.&#160; My knowledge of good and bad books show that the majority of books have errors that are big. so by having a good Theologian preacher who was dedicated to truth teach me helped know the best selection.&#160; It is important that your best teacher is the Holy Spirit,&#160; God uses men who have education but&#160; they must be accurate.&#160; Next time I will share the books and&#160; why they are good.&#160; God bless.</p>

865   54 years ago


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