Be Still - Living a life focused on what is above


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616   1 year ago
anonymous | 4 subscribers
616   1 year ago
In Daniel 7 we are told that the pompous king will "wear down" the saints of the Most High. Literally he will consume them mentally. It doesn't take long to realize that plan today; we are tempted to be distracted on every front. I remember Mary and Martha when The Master came to their house. Martha was anxiously prepping while Mary was at the feet of Jesus. He said "Martha, Martha you are bothered and worried about many things. Mary has chosen the good part and it will not be taken away from her." Oh how I want to just like Mary! Psalm 46:10 instructs us to "Be Still and know that He is God." That term "Be Still" actually has a medical tone to it. It means to lay still while the doctor operates... WOW! Most of us, when Jesus begins to burrow and do His work in us, either get really busy in life or in the church. He calls us away to a quiet and still place to be healed, refreshed and focused. Lord let me be still even in the busiest of times.
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