Greater Love - This love is not based on my performance but on the One who IS love!


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675   1 year ago
anonymous | 4 subscribers
675   1 year ago
For so many years I was a complete perfectionist. I believed that the only lovable quality in me was a driven-ness to do everything flawlessly. Of course that brings with it a whole host of anger, rage, depression and bad stuff. I had become a human doing, not a human being and as such I was hard on everyone - myself, my wife, my children, my employees and anyone who needed Christ! I was preaching the gospel of the Galatians which was a deadly mix of minimal grace and maximum obedience, law and punishment. No wonder no one wanted what I had.

It took years of pain and suffering - physical, mental, financial and emotional - to begin to crack my perfectionist shell and reveal the love that God was building inside. It is a journey of great length and challenge to face oneself and allow Jesus to chisel the old, dead ways of thinking, speaking and behaving. I hope today I am a more patient, loving husband, father and boss but it is all due to God's greater love shining in the window of my heart.
Greater Love
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